Sunday, 1 April 2012

Pensions in France

The French have a reputation for being over bureaucratic.  I wonder why?
Because I worked for a year in France and now have a UK pension, I have filled in the paperwork to see if I can have a French pension, albeit a tiny one. Yesterday I got a reply...... not only do I have a form to fill in with my bank details but it must be signed by the bank manager.  This is going to be tricky because it's a French bank account and we are not going to France till after the paperwork deadline.  I shall have to send a bank statement and hope that's enough.
Plus they have asked which 'base' I come under.  I haven't a clue and can't work it out from  my payslip so I shall have to send a payslip in and hope they can work it out.  My daughter in France wasn't sure about this at all.
And....typically French this.....I have to get a signed document from the town hall to prove who I am.  I have no idea what the town hall staff will make of it but the French do so love an official stamp!
So that's tomorrow taken care of as I try to ensure I have covered all bases and sent as much paper as I think they'll need.

The town hall staff sent me to 'election' and strangely enough that was the correct department.  The lady who dealt with me had a thick file of similar attestations, some French, some German and some Italian.  She told me she preferred the forms from Italy because they were so simple and clear to fill in.  Now who'd have thought that?  She makes photocopies for her file and for me and returns the original, now correctly filled in. 

One week later:
I am just about ready to send off my pension stuff when a whole lot more arrives.  I have very little idea what it's about so I may have to go and get help from the Frenchman who lives up the road.  Some is about my children but since their ages go from 40 to 31 years I hope I don't have to fill in all of that lot.

I have just been to see our friendly neighbourhood Frenchman who looked over the papers and attempted to tell me what is needed.  Alas, they do want copies of my children's birth certificates and since one is in France, one in Hong Kong and a third in Dublin for Easter it's going to take some time to get copies.  I really don't understand why they need details of my adult children.

A week later still
Well, the daughter in France emailed her certificate.  Eldest son is still away.  Younger daughter finally 'got' on the phone and she announces I lost hers years ago.  Am puzzled by this since she has a passport and surely she needed a certificate for that?  Still I'm just her Mum and so take the blame!

Ring Lincoln register office for copies of younger 2 children's certificates.  In order to get them asap it costs me £46 but they should be here tomorrow.  Remaining son is back from Hong Kong so leave message on his phone for urgent copy of said certificate.

NB Must make sure I keep all copies.....we'll have to do this all again for D's pension in France.

Tuesday    the birth certificates have arrived.  leave another message on son's voicemail.


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